Sussman Lab


Our lab uses theoretical and computational techniques to study a wide variety of soft condensed matter systems both in and out of equilibrium. How do we explain the way disordered solids maintain their rigidity, and also how they fail? What can simple models of active matter teach us about the collective behavior of cells in dense tissue, or about how birds flock? We focus on the role of topology and topological interactions in protecting system behaviors even in the presence of strong fluctuations – this allows us to make strong predictions about how a system responds to perturbations even when using extremely simplified, coarse-grained representations. We employ data-science-driven techniques, working closely with experiments, to formulate precisely tests that can discriminate between different theoretical approaches. And we ask how novel broken symmetries in coarse-grained descriptions of living matter leads to new phase transitions in models of soft living active matter.

See below for a rolling list of recent group news!

Welcome to the group, Charles and Tomi!

May 02, 2020
1 minute

A joint paper with Daniel Beller’s group has been published! Check out the paper for details, and our open-source software package for running your own simulations.

Dec 01, 2019
1 minute

We’re starting our group, studying many different flavors of theoretical and computational soft matter, at Emory University! Excited to hit the ground, start recruiting students, and all that. Surely there’s not going to be a global pandemic just around the corner which would make starting this year tough, right?

Sep 01, 2019
1 minute