DISCLAIMER: This guide is still in progress. The example scripts below are not very robust, and while they will usually work they do not incorporate best practices for error checking and argument handling. Think of them more as indicative of what can be done than scripts that should be copied verbatim.
Having learned about the basics of bash scripting, we’re ready to think harder about automating some of the more complex, interdependent sets of computational tasks that we encounter in our research. We’ll start with what’s typically called workload management, and then move on to workflow management.
Workload management
There exist many tools for automating and managing computational resources – these often involve scripted ways of submitting jobs to a queue, along with a managing process that is in charge of assigning priority to jobs in that queue. When a system resource becomes available – say, a cpu core or a gpu that the manager knows about – it launches the job at the front of the queue.
Bash scripts as a simple workload manager
NOTE: The functioning of the scripts in this section depend on the version of bash you have, your operating system, etc (see the comments at the end of this subsection about this all being a little bit fragile!). I’ll present two different scripts to do the same thing; I suggest you test each on your system if you want to use bash as a workload manager in this way!
Modern versions of Bash make it possible to write a script that solves some of these problems. For instance, if you have a large number of jobs that you want to send to the background and you want to run no more than X of them run at any one time, you could write something like the following:
This script nohup’s a bunch of jobs, each of which have their output redirected to a different file, and is configured so that no more than maxProcs
number of jobs can run at any one time. If this script was called parallelSubmit.sh
one could, furthermore, go ahead and do something like
to launch this script on a remote computer, or in a terminal on your computer you are about to close, etc. Is there a better way to do this? Almost certainly. For instance, here is a seemingly simpler script that (a) may work on older versions of bash and linux for which the “wait -p” functionality doesn’t behave as we want it to, but (b) might not maintain the level of parallelization you are targeting if two jobs finish at the same time:
The above launches jobs (here, again, just “sleep”), each time incrementing the counter. If the number of launched jobs is greater than or equal to the limit, the loop uses the wait command to wait for one of them to finish before proceeding to the next line. Let me be up front, here: this is at the limit of my knowledge of working with Bash scripting;it is at this level of workflow complexity that I start to think tools other than Bash become helpful.
After all, this is a little bit fragile. What happens if a job exits with an error code? What if you want to change the order in which your jobs will run? What if you want to manage jobs based not only on whether a CPU is available, but if a separate GPU resource can be used? It’s all a little fussy, and that where – rather than rolling our own workload manager with a complicated bash script – we can turn to professional-grade workload managers.
Standard workload managers
You will interact with these workload managers almost any time you use a cluster. The details vary depending on what workload manager is being used – here’s an example of a common one. It often involves writing a submission script – specifying what program you want to run, what resources it needs, etc. – and then submitting that script to the Workload Manager, perhaps via a command like
In this context it is often helpful to make use of what we learned in bash scripting to create a base submission script together with a bash script that can loop over parameters and submit many jobs to the queue. Here’s an example that takes a base script, copies a new version of it, then uses the sed
command line tool to replace instances of specific words in the base script with the corresponding varable in the bash script.
Installing a workload manager locally
I’m about to blow your mind: although you will usually encounter workload managers in the context of working on a cluster, nothing is stopping you from installing and running one on your own machine! In fact, setting them up in the context of a single computer (rather than a network of interconnected computers) is pretty easy. Once you install one and launch it, there will be a scheduler (workload manager) process running in the background, waiting for you to assign it tasks in a queue. You can easily configure them to only ever use a maximum amount of your system’s RAM, or a maximum number of threads, etc.
The world is now our oyster (is that better or worse than having the power of the sun at our fingertips?). But there is at least one more level we can aspire to. What if we want to create a queue of jobs that are not independent of each other? Say, we want to run analysis scripts only after a corresponding simulation finishes? Or we want to run additional simulations contingent on the outcome of some analysis script we ran on a different simulation’s output data? What if we want something so robust that not only will a job not stop if we disconnect from an ssh session, but it will also automatically pick up where it left off if there is a power outage (or, more plausibly, our IT department forcibly restarts our machines to install a security update)? What if we have our whole project mapped out, and we want the ultimate “set it and forget it” ability?
Surely there is a better way.
Workflow management systems
Welcome to the world not of Workload managers, but of Workflow management systems (WMSs) These are able to do all of the things described in the preceding summary, and are amazing tools. They handle job interdependencies (typically by describing a workflow as a directed acyclic graph), frequently have checkpointing and job-restarting capability, etc. You’ll see them a lot in the context of truly large-scale computational work – for instance, millions of interdependent jobs, where it is a practical certainty that during the execution of at least one of them a system will crash or a power-outage will occur, or…
Sample WMS and python scripting
A WMS might be a bit of overkill for your specific use case, but once again it is completely possible (and, in some cases even reasonable) to install such a thing on your own workstation. One that have used myself for a few projects and that I like is Pegasus, which is conveniently also something offered on all ACCESS NSF supercomputing clusters. Pegasus is built around describing a DAG of jobs in python (which is nice – much easier to write programmatic control flow in python than in bash!), which can then submit its output to the queue of a Workload manager, gracefully handling all of the dependencies, job recoveries, etc. Of course, with such great power comes, well… a bit more complexity in setting everything up and writing the scripts. Here’s a simplified version of a python file I once wrote to do this in the context of a simulation and then an analysis job, ensuring that every analysis job would only run after the parent simulation job successfully finished:
Pretty cool.